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Category: DNS servers

Round Robin DNS: How does it work?

There’s a common goal all online business people and web managers share: reaching as much traffic as possible. But sometimes, while pursuing this objective, people forget a key next step. You have to be prepared to handle big traffic loads. Otherwise, your current system can be easily saturated and crashed.

Does it sound hard? Well, there are different technologies and strategies you can use. Today, we will talk about Round Robin DNS.

Round Robin DNS: Definition

Round Robin DNS is a DNS solution to distribute the traffic among different servers. It allows the redirection of traffic to other servers to prevent stress points and overloads for your servers. If you are familiar with the concept of load balancing, well, this is one option to do it.

Why do you need Round-Robin DNS?


DNS Monitoring – What is it?

DNS Monitoring is a fascinating topic, and every website owner should be aware of it. Why? We will explore this in today’s article. First, we will explain its definition and how it works. Then finally, we will see why this service is critical for you and your business. So, let’s start.

DNS Monitoring – Complete breakdown

The DNS determines whether any Internet communication will succeed or fail. By routinely verifying your DNS records for any unforeseen changes or localized outages caused by human mistakes or malicious attacks, DNS Monitoring allows you to safeguard your online presence.

Why do your need DNS monitoring?
